7th of June 2020
COVID-19 responses in Jadaa (1) IDPs camp
Doctor Jasim the project coordinator give training about IPC (infection prevention control) and CoVID 19 prevention to all nutrition and Immunization staff after he take online training with certificate for IPC and COVID-19 from WHO Website.
March 14, 2020
Capacity building of the health workers on the Infection Prevention & control
DAMA conducted several sessions for the health staff working in the PHCCs in the camp and outside the camp on the topic of infection prevention & control , the training is consider one of the main pillar for the CoVID response according to WHO response plan
April 01, 2020
Sterilization of public places in Erbil
Our team continue their work for public area sterelization in coordination with Erbil Municipality as Initiative for prevention of Corona outbreak
May 01, 2021
Support the clinical management of CoVID 19 cases inside the quarantine and isolation site in IDPs & Refugees camp in Suleimania
DAMA is supporting the clinical management of CoVID 19 cases for the IDPs and Refugees camps in Suleimania area, this support is implemented under the support of Iraqi humanitarian funds in partnership with PUI organization,
April 13, 2020
Support the Ministry of Health in Kurdistan region of Iraq with needed PPE and medical supplies
DAMA donated two tons of medical supplies and Personal Protective Equipment PPE to teh CoVID treatment centers in Erbil , this donation come in line to support the Ministry of health in Kurdistan region of Iraq in their response to CoVID outbreak